How to Manage Your Spring Allergies with an Air Purifier
Many people welcome the arrival of spring and all the sunshine, positivity, and new life that the season brings. But if you’re one of the many that experience spring allergies, the return of the sunshine will be a double-edged sword. You’re happy that the chilly weather has passed, but you’re not so happy about all the coughing and sneezing that those spring allergens induce.
You don’t have to simply accept your spring allergies, however. In this blog, we’ll run through some handy tips for managing your spring allergies, which will help to enjoy the season with as minimal sneezing and coughing as possible.
Common Spring Allergies
So what’s causing your allergies, anyway? There are a bunch of allergies activated in the spring season, but by far, the most common is pollen. It’s the time for trees, weeds, and grasses to fertilize other plants, and they do that by releasing pollen into the air. Some of it reaches its intended target, but some pollen will find its way into your body. And if you’re allergic, you can expect a running nose, sore eyes, and the occasional cough or sneeze.
Other spring allergens in your home include mold and dust mites, which are active during this season.
How to Manage Spring Allergies
Now to the important bit: how do you manage your spring allergies? Incorporate the following four methods into your lifestyle, and you should notice an improvement in the severity of your allergies.
There are medications available to help minimize the symptoms of allergies and even prevent them from occurring in the first place. Many people take antihistamine tablets in the run-up to spring so they have the drug in their system before the pollen count begins to spike, though you can also take them upon the onset of symptoms.
Check the Pollen Count
And about that pollen count — if you’re particularly sensitive to pollen, it would be best to stay indoors (with your windows closed) on days when the count is high. If you do venture out, don’t stay outdoors too long, and consider wearing sunglasses and a mask, both of which will prevent pollen from entering your system.
Eat the Right Foods
You can give your body the best possible chance to keep allergies at bay by making meals with foods high in omega-3, anti-inflammatories, and vitamin C, such as ginger, tomatoes, fish, citrus fruits, and honey.
Invest in an Air Purifier
Try as you might, pollen will find its way into your home somehow. You can neutralize the pollen by investing in a quality air purifier, which will help to significantly reduce the amount of pollen circulating in your home.
Get Your Air Purifier Today
Ready to take back your enjoyment of spring? Keep your allergies at a distance by buying an air purifier from Hunter. We offer a range of quality air purifying devices for homes of all sizes, allowing you to breathe healthy air while at home.