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      News — Odor Eliminating

      Why Portable Air Conditioners Should Be In Every Household

      Why Portable Air Conditioners Should Be In Every Household

      Statistics show that around 84% of all homes in the United States have some kind of air conditioning. In fact, the U.S. is so reliant and used to air conditioning that it uses more air conditioning than every other nation combined. It’s certainly a staggering number, but it does beg the question; why do we need portable air conditioners?

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      Top Signs That You Need an Air Purifier at Home

      Top Signs That You Need an Air Purifier at Home

      Air purifiers are a severely underrated appliance that every home deserves to have. But most people don’t really understand what an air purifier is used for or when they should consider investing in one. So to help you out, we’ve put together a few of the top signs that you should look out for.

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      How Often To Replace Air Filter

      How Often To Replace Air Filter

      If you have an air purifier in your home, you will undoubtedly enjoy the benefits offered by them. The thing is, while your air purifier is excellent at trapping airborne dust, dirt, and other allergens, you need to change the HEPA filter in it fairly regularly.

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