Choosing the Right Hunter Air Purifier

Choosing the Right Hunter Air Purifier

This year we’re even more health conscious about the air our loved ones breathe. Give the gift of healthy air this year with a Hunter Air Purifier. Click here to view our Very Merry Gift Guide.

Often the air indoors is more polluted than the air outdoors, which can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. With the winter season here, we’re spending most of our time indoors. Air purifiers help eliminate many of the tiny pollutants floating around your home. To choose the perfect air purifier, you first need to decide where it’s going to be used.

Pick a Location

Are you looking to purify the air in a bedroom, multiple rooms or a whole house? Decide where you want to place the air purifier. After choosing the space, you'll need to determine the square footage. 

Choosing the Right Hunter Air Purifier

  • Single Room: To determine the square footage of a single room, use a tape measure to take measurements of two perpendicular walls and multiply the results. For example, if the room has two 10-foot walls, the total square footage would be 10 x 10 = 100 sq. ft. 


  • Multiple Rooms: If you want to clean the air in connected rooms, repeat the step above for both rooms. Once you have the square footage of both rooms, add the two values together. For example, if the first room is 100 sq. ft. and the second room is 150 sq. ft., the total square footage would be 100 + 150 = 250 sq. ft. 


  • Whole House: Do you still have the original paperwork from when you purchased your house? If so, the square footage of the entire home should be listed. If not, go outside and measure two perpendicular walls of your home. Multiple the results together, then multiply that number by the number of levels in your home. For example, if the outside square footage equals 1,000 sq. ft. and you have a two-story house, the total square footage would be 1,000 x 2 = 2,000 sq. ft. 

Choosing Your Air Purifier

Choosing a properly sized air purifier is important because you can waste money and energy otherwise. 




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